Northface Posters
Layout, Typography
This series of posters was done as a tribute to female athletes. The series of 3 are outdoor athletes for The North Face. They consist of a Mountaineer, a Skier, and Trail Runner I wanted to use bright colors with high-contrast images. I tried to blend the swiss style design with a modern take on that type of poster design.
Programs Used

This first poster focused on Savannah Cummins who is a climber and mountaineer. I used this shot of her because I liked the negative space that I could create with the layout. I used this to make my focal point Savannah's face.
I wanted to have The North Face logo in the background but not be the central focus. I used the color palette in this logo with some transparency so it didn't stand out.
I used Procreate to draw the lines on the images and then overlayed it in InDesign. I wanted the lines to have a loose feel to the overall design.
This was the most colorful poster out of this series and I was really pleased with how the colors, composition, and balance turned out.
The only thing I would have done differently in this poster have a secondary The North Face logo in the piece. I like the logo being hidden behind the Savannah but I think for branding, it's better to have the logo somewhere else in its entirety.
I wanted to build off of what I had done in the first poster but in the second one, experiment in different ways. Fernanda Maciel is a trail runner. I wanted to show her strength in her image. I used a lot of contrast in the black and white image so she'd stand out. I also used an image in the background of her just to highlight her connection with the mountains.
This poster is different from the other two because it's heavier on the blue color. This didn't really bother me because I feel like I could take a risk in this project and experiment with some different styles and looks.
I originally started this poster with a completely different color palette but I switched back to the 3 colors I had used in Savannah's poster. I was glad that I made this change because it helped each of these posters to feel consistent while still having different formats.
With the copy at the bottom, I used a different tagline. This is one that The North Face has used in previous campaigns and I thought that it fit an Ultrarunner better.

The last of this series featured Angel Collinson. She is a skier and I wanted to find an image where I could play with angles differently than I had in the other two posters.
Instead of using a horizontal and vertical format, I went with a more diagonal and angular approach. This turned out to be quite a challenge and went through several different iterations, many of which I had to start from scratch.
This image also was cropped and altered a lot in photoshop more than the others. Some of the detail is lost in doing this, especially in her ski poles but I felt like it fit with a skier in a flurry of snow.
I used the same technique in Fernanda's poster to draw an outline around the goggles as I had on the headband. This was an effective way to create interest and contrast in the piece.
I feel like I could have added more elements but the diagonal layout creates enough interest that I opted for it to remain simple.
Defy Boundaries was the tagline I used. It works really well with this design. The deeper meaning is the boundaries that we put on female athletes which is the whole reason I did this project. I wanted to shed some light on the strength and power of female outdoor athletes.