Manhattan Suites
Website Design, UI/UX, Typography, Branding, Layout
Manhattan Suites is a high scale rental property in New York City. Being able to design something that was both inviting but also higher end was paramount to this project. Most of the clients came from this website or from social media
Programs Used
I wanted to pattern the look and feel to fit the logo. I used Baskerville paired with Montserrat. I wanted to keep the logo simple and not do any with the word-mark. I wanted to showcase the property more by the photos than iconography.
Most of the images had a pretty conservative color. I pulled inspiration for the color palette of the website from these photos. I used black, charcoal and gold in my palette. The gold was used really sparing in buttons and dividers.
Instead of using icons, I used accent elements. The thin lines in gold were used to divide sections and also outline certain photos.
I wanted to create several chances for the user to book so I created buttons that linked to pertinent areas of the website or booking process,
I wanted to include a contact section on the homepage so it made it easy for the user to get information. One of the pain-points of the client was that their users had a hard time finding where to reach them. Most of the clients came from instagram or Tik Tok where it wasn't as easy to find that information.
In this redesign, I focused on making everything not only clean and simple but easy to navigate. In simplifying the design, it created more bookings.
I used some of the imagery of New York in this footer to highlight that area within the footer.